The debate about Leo Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo doesn’t see the end since each of them has a huge fan base. In the same way, the debate about Logrite vs Stihl cant hook has been an ongoing trend for quite some time now. In this article, we have tried to dig into the matter and bring up some vital findings that reasonably provide one cant hook an edge over the other.
We all want to keep ourselves fit and take the most out of every scientific invention. The cant hook is one of those inventions that offer us relaxation in a harder job like woodworking. The day when people had to cut down and collect their woods with handmade tools and manual effort is gone! Here comes the beauty of the chainsaw along with other supporting equipment! But, to get the most out of a chainsaw, you need to have a cant hook.
Cant hooks have been the major supporting tool in woodworking irrespective of homeowners or professionals. The main purpose of the tool is to offer comfortable woodworking. It helps you prevent the unwanted back pain that hunts many of the woodworkers. It helps you in turning down the trees and piling up the logs easily and quickly. Thus you can manage a huge woodlot in drastically lesser time and effort!

Cant Hook Bestseller
Last update on 2024-03-08 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Which is Better Logrite or Stihl Cant Hook?
Both the log turners have their advantages and shortcomings. None of them is perfect in every single aspect. So, it would be unfair to tag one as the hero and the other one as the villain. But, we can make a very calculative comparison to find out the better cant hook among these two.
Some certain crucial features and factors make a cant hook the best one. Among these two cant hooks, we will figure out the better choice by testing them for those important factors. Before we move on to the comparison, we would like to offer you some basic information about these two brands.
Origin of Logrite and Stihl Cant Hooks
A Brief History of Logrite Brand
Logrite is a USA-based specialized brand for manufacturing supporting tools of woodworking. Mr. Kevin founded this amazing brand back in February 2004. He started Logrite in his garage! But, now the company has hundreds of vendors and ship its products globally.
Logrite is the originator of aluminum-handled woodworking tools and kits. It has changed the traditional approach of using wooden handled tools and brought a revolution in the sector with strength and lightweight features. As Logrite is a small-scale business and focuses only on supporting tools and equipment, it becomes easier to ensure superior quality.
Logrite produces many supporting tools along with different outstanding cant hooks. So far, it manufactures cant hooks of 42″, 60″, and 78″.
Logrite Vs Stihl Cant Hook Comparison
Read these factors carefully as we will discuss both the Logrite and Stihl cant hooks under the same umbrella. For every feature/factor, at first, we will discuss Logrite, and then Stihl cant hook.
The Overall Design
The overall design of Logrite cant hook is simply outstanding. The shape and size of the cant hooks are convenient for tackling small to heavy-duty logging/turning. Logrite is designed to handle a lot of woodworkings and tackling huge loads. So, it would be wiser to pick the right cant hook size (42, 60, 78) for your particular needs.
The overall design of Stihl cant hook is also great. Stihl may lag in many other factors but not in the case of design. Their cant hook’s design bears the name of the brand. So, in terms of overall design both the cant hooks are getting maximum points.
Strength and Durability
Logrite has mesmerized the cant hook sector by embedding the most advanced features in the cant hook. The strength and durability of a cant hook have got the new level since 2004 when Logrite manufactured their first-ever cant hook. When it comes to determining the strength and durability of a cant hook, no one can beat Logrite, let alone the Sthil brand.
Most of the products of Stihl brands are of professional quality. They always try to maintain their product quality and ensure the utmost durability. The strength and durability of Stihl cant hook aren’t an exception here. But, to be frank, Stihl cant hook has to go a long way to compete with Logrite for this specific factor.
The Material of the Cant Hook Handle
The cant hook has to bear your pulling force and the gravitational force of the logs. Here, the handle of the cant hook has to tolerate more than 90% of this force. So, it is clear that the importance of the material of the cant hook handle is huge.
The handle of the Logrite cant hook is made of Aluminium. They have chosen Aluminium for its lightweight and formidable strength characteristics. So, naturally, the handle of Logrite cant hook offers more power and less weight to the user end.
On the other hand, the handle of the Stihl cant hook is made of sturdy stainless steel. The stainless steel offers a long lifespan and a robust supportive role for your woodturning. As it is made of steel, the weight of the handle is a bit more than that of Logrite. But, the capability and durability of the Stihl handle are nearer to the Logrite if not better.
Length of the Handle
The length of the cant hook handle is as important as the material of the handle. The longer handle offers a longer area reach and it is so much helpful for tall people. But, the short handle is also good if you are a short person or a woman. But, the longer handle is something that both the homeowners and professionals are looking for.
The handle length of the Logrite cant hook ranges from 42-inch to 78-inch. So, you have an opportunity here to pick the right size handle for your needs.
The handle length of the Stihl cant hook ranges from 42-inch to 60-inch. You don’t have the option to pick the size of the handle beyond 60-inch. But, the range (42-inch to 60-inch) is good enough to meet your needs.
Log Turner Bestsellers
Last update on 2024-03-08 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
The Material of Handle Grip/Holding
Sweating is a very common happening during any hard job let alone woodworking. So, there is no wonder that your hands would be slippery during your logging/turning jobs. So, you need a cant hook that itself doesn’t create any operational hazard but offers safety during your jobs. The handle grip which is made of rubber is the most suitable one for the jobs.
Fortunately, both the Logrite and Stihl offer the rubber handle grip/holding in their cant hook handles. So, both of them are getting equal marks here. Fair enough!
The Nature of the Hook
The sturdy and sharpness of the hook are the two important things that we are looking for in the hook. The sturdy and sharpness of the hook ensure handling a range of weight and smart grasping of the logs.
Like its lightweight and robust aluminum handle, Logrite offers a sturdy hook provision. The scythe of the Logrite is laser-sharp, a safety feature, and a tremendous supportive facility at the same time. The hook prevents the cant hook from unwanted slipping by providing a steady non-slip grip on the logs. With the mega-sized grip of the Logrite cant hook, you can move up to 45-inch thick oaks without putting much pressure on your back.
The Stihl cant hook also has a sharp and robust hook. The hook can dig into the wood and turn any larger logs. Thus the hook ensures a high level of efficiency and reduces your physical energy. The grip of the hook is steady, with zero flex, and little to no kicking out. With the 48-inch cant hook, you can tackle up to 24-inch diameter log and 36-inch with the 60-inch cant hook.
To be frank, the hook’s performance and capability of both the cant hooks are almost similar. But, if you want to pick only one of them, Logrite has an edge over Stihl for its laser-sharp technology.
Color & Painting Standard
Stable color code and painting of any machine make it attractive and allure us to work with. So, we should buy the cant hook that has stable painting and will last for years.
The Logrite offers both blue and bright orange colors. But, Stihl offers only a bright orange. The bright orange color is a safety feature. Due to its power of radiation, the orange color is visible from a reasonable distance. Thus, these cant hooks will be visible from the distance and can be traced from deep into the woodlots. So, in the case of Logrite, you will get the option of two colors, but Stihl offers no freedom here.
Customer Service
Customer service or after-sell support is something that assures you of any product’s reliability. There is no perfect machine/equipment in this universe that doesn’t produce discrepancy during operation. So, to get the after sell support and avail any kind of warranty facility, we need to consider the customer service of the product that we want to own.
The customer service of Logrite is simply great! They are the US origin and you will find customer service in every nook and corner of your city. Furthermore, to ensure the top-level after sell service to its customers, Logrite maintains strict supervision over their support centers. Logrite offers an online support cell.
The customer service of Stihl is not up to the mark. They do not offer any online booking/support cells. They have their dealers all over the USA and you have to find one of them physically. There you will get after-sell service but you have to buy your cant hook from Sthil listed dealers to avail the service. Unfortunately, Stihl has no online support cell.
Pros and Cons – Logrite Vs Stihl cant Hook
Pros of Logrite Cant Hook:
- All of the items/parts are made in the USA
- Suitable for professional and home use at the same time
- Ideal for heavy-duty and big jobs
- First choice for tall persons
- Can move up to 3000-pound log easily
- Laser-sharp Hook
Cons of Logrite Cant Hook:
- Not suitable for very short persons
Buy Logrite from Amazon
Last update on 2024-03-08 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Last update on 2024-03-08 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Last update on 2024-03-13 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API
Pros of Stihl Cant Hook:
- Easy to assemble and disassemble
- Ergonomic design ensures comfort
- Lightweight and easy to maintain
- Comes with a timberjack accessory
- Effective sharp hook
Cons of Stihl Cant Hook:
- Most of the items/parts are made in China
- Can handle heavy-duty but not like the Logrite
- No online appearance and poor after sell service
To buy Stihl Cant hook visit here
The cant hook is one of the vital woodworking tools that help us to grip, turn, and roll logs without breaking our back. It works like the Peavey, but it can generate more traction than the peavey does. So, we need to have tools like the cant hook to accomplish our cutting jobs safely, smartly, and professionally. Both the Logrite and Sithl cant hooks are reliable for logging/turning. But, we think you are now clear to determine the better option between them.
We recommend you to buy Logrite cant hook. Just match your log diameter with the length of the cant hook. We have tried our best to give you some insights on the comparison between Logrite vs Stihl cant hook. If you have any further queries, please feel free to let us know. You may use our comment box to drop a line.